Fruit Trees Change Lives: Analytics Led Solutions to Drive Sustainability

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ISR Foundation has taken a significant step towards promoting sustainability by initiating a tree-planting drive at Adivasi residential schools under SBI, RBO Baripada and RBO Keonjhar Region. The initiative is need-based, requirement-based, analytics-led, and aims to plant fruit-bearing, medicinal, shrubs, creepers, flowers, ornamental and spices trees inside school campuses to promote sustainability and attract butterflies and birds to the school campuses.

The drive has been undertaken with the steward leadership of SBI, CGM Bhubaneswar Circle, Mr Chandersekhar Sharma, and RM Debaprasad Khor, RBO Baripada and Mr Arun Kumar Panigrahi, RBO Keonjhar reflecting the commitment of State Bank of India towards promoting sustainability and fostering a culture of environmental responsibility.

The initiative is an excellent example of how data analytics can be leveraged to promote sustainability. By analyzing the specific requirements of each school campus, the ISR Foundation has ensured that the trees planted are need-based and requirement-based, reflecting the specific needs of each institution.

The tree-planting drive is an essential step towards driving sustainability to school campuses, where young minds can be sensitized about climate change and the need for sustainable practices. The initiative will create a sustainable environment for students, staff, and the surrounding community, promoting a culture of environmental responsibility. This is a great example of how collaboration between organizations and communities can create positive change

More than 5000 fruit trees were planted across the most backward regions of Keonjhar and Mayurbhanj, aimed at sensitizing Adivasi students about climate change and the need to take action to mitigate it. The initiative reflects the commitment of State Bank of India and WAY2 ISR FOUNDATION towards promoting sustainability and fostering a culture of individual environmental responsibility.

The tree-planting drive educational institutions is an excellent example of how collaboration and collective action can make a significant difference in mitigating the effects of climate change. The initiative aims to create a sustainable future, one in which individuals and institutions alike recognize the importance of taking responsibility for the environment.

The involvement of key stakeholders, including CGM Bhubaneswar Circle, Mr Chandersekhar Sharma, and RM Debaprasad Khor, underscores the importance of this initiative. It is hoped that this effort will inspire more organizations and individuals to take action towards creating a greener, more sustainable future for all.

Mr Amarsh Das, Assistant General Manager of State Bank of India, LHO Bhubaneswar said, “We are committed to supporting initiatives that promote sustainable living and environmental conservation. We are proud to have partnered with Way2 ISR Foundation in this project and we hope that it will inspire others to take up similar initiatives.”

Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Dharmendra Kar, Founder of Way2 ISR Foundation said, “We believe that fruit trees have the potential to change lives and we are committed to promoting sustainable living through such initiatives. We are grateful to State Bank of India for their support in this project to connect more than 50000 students’ path to Individual Social Responsibility, with each one plants one adopts one tree.

By Suresh Kar ,Special Correspondent .

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